Write-In Paris
Communal scribble sessions in the City of Light
WIP was founded in 2015 by American (and naturalized French!) writer Sion Dayson and held in her home in the 11th on Rue Alexandre Dumas. Seeking a way to support other writers and to keep her own butt in the chair, she dreamed up Write-in Paris.
Making art is so often a solitary activity; the importance of finding one’s tribe can’t be overstated. It’s inspiring to be surrounded by others who understand both the struggle and the thrill.
From the beginning, Sion appreciated what WIP could offer and the play on words. It could stand for both Write-in Paris and work-in-progress. WIP itself is a work-in-progress and she’s delighted to hand over the reins to guest hosts so the idea continues to grow. After a decade of living in Paris, Sion is in search of new adventures outside the City of Light; she’s a work in progress herself.
For more information about Sion, feel free to visit her website.
Quick bio:
Sion Dayson's work has appeared in numerous venues including The Writer,
The Rumpus, Utne Reader, The Wall Street Journal, Hunger Mountain, and
several anthologies,including Strangers in Paris (Tightrope Books).
Her debut novel, When Things Were Green, will be published by Ferry Street
Books in 2017.
Sion has won grants and residencies from the Barbara Deming Memorial Fund, the Kerouac House, the Stone Court Writer-in Residence program, and written for a month at Edith Wharton's house, The Mount. She has taught creative writing through Oxbridge Academic Programs and WICE. For the past 7 years she's blogged about the quirkier side of the City of Light at paris (im)perfect.
Sion holds an MFA in Writing from Vermont College of Fine Arts.